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Photos of totems and other artifacts of the Coastal First Nations - July 2017

Be sure to click on a photo to begin, then you will see the full photo and an explanation - you can then move forward/backward with the arrows at the side, rather than the timed progression

Gitwangak Battle Hill sign

Gitwangak Battle Hill

This fortified village was built as a protection after the occupants raided other villages (1700s)

Explanation of Totem Poles
Poles at Gitanyow village
Gitanyow with Museum in background
Frog on chest

Not sure of the significance of the smaller faces in the hands and eyes

Stylized gate at Museum at Gitanyow

The image symbolizes a 'copper' which was used during potlatches to distribute wealth

Bear at Gitanyow

Note 'bear claw marks' on the pole below the bear

Eagle at Gitanyow

This was a very new totem pole

Trina at Gitanyow

Trina was selling her hand crafted necklaces. bracelets and pouches

Totem poles at Kispiox
Pole on the ground

The poles are left to decay when they fall, just as a tree would naturally


Bear at top, Killer Whale, Weeping Woman

Kispiox - weeping woman

Emily Carr painted an image of a similar totem

Kispiox - frog
Kispiox - canoe and eagle
Poles at Kitwanga
Bear on pole at Kitwanga

Some poles have little carving on them, others are very elaborate

Poles at Kitsegukla

Note 'watchmen' with their hats, at the top of the poles

Entrance to 'Ksan

Visitor's Centre and small museum in the background. Human on left, Raven on right

Interesting read
'Ksan with JDC in doorway
'Ksan Long House
Nisga'a Memorial Lava Bed Park

Map of the lava flow from the Cone at the bottom. down the valley (blocking the river to form Lava Lake), 11 km (7 miles) of lava across to the Nass River on the right and a further 10 km (6 miles) of flow down the valley.

New Aiyansh Long House
New Aiyansh tribal office
Suspension Bridge

The bridge crosses over the Nass River at Gitwinksihlkw

Fish wheel on the Nass River

Used to catch salmon as they swim upstream to spawn

Dance at Big House at Alert Bay
Young lad dancing

This young fellow has a natural affinity for the dancing, he is very expressive








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